Success Stories

These beautiful dogs have joined loving families.

Annie makes her home with a wonderful and sweet person who is quiet and gentle and lets Annie decide when she wants to approach. Annie is starting to get a feel for her surroundings and has already been enjoying naps with her person and licking their hand! We think they will be wonderful companions. Adopted 12/2/2023.

I graduated from foster care! My mom is a longtime MNSR volunteer and she loved me as soon as she met me. I have a Sheltie sister named Trudy, and she’s from MNSR, too! I’ve lost a little weight and have lots of energy. Maybe we’ll meet at an event sometime! Rocket, adopted 11/23/2023.

Congratulations to Shelby who has a very loving family to cuddle with and follow around the house! Shelby enjoys being held, and she loves the large windows that are just her height - perfect for observing (and barking at) the neighbors! Adopted 11/20/2023.

Toonie’s family lovingly cared for her after her eye surgery and their relationship blossomed: “Toonie is a so sweet and fun! She gives many kisses, lies at (on) my feet, chases everything, and follows like a sweet little shadow. She loves to herd ants and airplanes, and she plays soccer with us - the winner is the one who gets it past the other.
