Sheltie Safety Precautions

If you have found a Sheltie, or your MNSR foster or adopted dog is lost, please contact us.

The top reason Shelties are lost is because they were off leash in an unfenced area. A Sheltie will go into survival mode when lost and is extremely difficult to find and catch. Please follow these safety tips.


• Supervise your dog in a fenced area.

• Supervise your dog when using a tie-out.

• Use a leash in an unfenced area. 

• Check your fence for gaps.

• Remove objects that may provide an escape route over the fence.

• Check that gates are closed before releasing your dog into the yard.

• Install a lock or carabiner on gates.

• Use a limited slip collar or harness when walking your dog, or double-leash to collar and harness.

• Check your dog’s collar, harness, leash, and ID frequently for wear.

• Update ID when your contact information changes

 •Add ID with petsitter’s contact information when you are away.

• Have your dog microchipped and register the chip's number.

• Use a leash, crate, gate, or place your dog behind a closed door when people are coming and going.

• Use a dog seatbelt or crate in the car.

• Securely clip the leash to the dog prior to opening car door.

• Always stay with your dog in the vehicle or bring them inside with you.

• Print these safety precautions for anyone who will care for your dog.

• Keep an action checklist along with emergency phone numbers at home and in your vehicle.

• Have current color photos and a description of your dog in case you need to make flyers.


Follow Lost Shelties MN for more safety tips.