Rainbow Bridge Memories

This page is dedicated in loving memory to the MNSR foster and adopted Shelties who are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. 

Rainbow Bridge Stories

Our sweet Angel crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday. She came to us as a foster on February 22, 2012. She was 7 years old. When she was placed in my arms, we knew she was here to stay. It was such a joy to watch her blossom from a shy little girl to the first one to greet a guest, waiting to be noticed. She was a tiny Sheltie, but she had all of us in her little paw. She was a diva who ruled our other dogs, and was the first one to the bedroom each night. She wanted to be sure to be the first one to our bed. We will always be grateful to Minnesota Sheltie Rescue for bringing this sweet little girl into our lives. Our hearts are heavy, but our memories will always be with us. Goodbye, Sweet Angel.

Our sweet, shy Adele (8yrs) crossed the Rainbow Bridge March 9th, 2020. She came so far with us and had our love for almost 3 years. She was diagnosed with oral cancer in Nov 2019. Tumor was removed but returned and grew quickly throughout her mouth. Her start with us she was so timid, afraid and nonsocial. This was no longer true. She loved to bonk her nose on our leg for attention. We were able to look her in the eyes, although she most liked to 'back up' for a nice massage. When visitors came, she no longer hid. When they left, she would 'look' for them. Her favorite things in life: the snow, long walks, camping, laying in the dirt and watching other wildlife without making a peep. Even though she was initially raised on acres of land, she became a city girl very quickly. She had a lot of fans that will miss her. She brought so much love to our lives. In addition to eating well, she dined on Braunschweiger and hot dog coins the last few weeks.

Our hearts grieve the loss of Sparky, 14 years old. At our first home visit, he refused to leave me and my then 10-year-old son. Sparky chose us and enriched our lives. He helped us through many family hardships. He loved to “chase” garbage trucks around the inside of our fence on Fridays and then cool himself in the water dish. He covered up his food with a towel when he was done. He provided many life lessons to my son growing up. These 13+ years were too short with you. Your furever brother Mickey D (also from Sheltie Rescue) gave you a slobbery lick across your mouth and laid next to you as you were taking your final breaths. Forever grateful and forever loved. Sparky became a Sheltie angel on February 27th, 2020. 

Logan came to MNSR to recover from amputation surgery after he was hit by a car. He was nursed back to health and mobility in his foster home, and after fostering Shelties for years without adopting, and with the permission of the resident cats, Logan was the keeper! He loved to do the 'Sheltie herding run' in the yard, going on walks, and was always happy to have a snuggle. Logan crossed the Rainbow Bridge in February 2020. He was a regular Sheltie ambassador at MNSR events and we miss him dearly.
