Rainbow Bridge Memories

This page is dedicated in loving memory to the MNSR foster and adopted Shelties who are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. 

Rainbow Bridge Stories

Piper joined our family as a foster-fail. She moved with us from Minnesota to Oklahoma and to Texas. Piper was sweet, gentle and such a happy girl. Her favorite thing was to chase balls and she could run so fast! Piper helped other foster dogs to learn that they were safe. She helped our daughters grow up and as their worlds changed, Piper was a constant source of comfort. As she got older, Piper enjoyed sitting on our patio, lifting her nose to take in all the smells. She always wanted to be with us and she followed me around the house up until her last day. Our daughters and I were with her and we held her to comfort her as we let her go. There is a hole in our hearts that will never completely heal. We are so grateful for the many years we had with her. Piper made our family better and that is a pretty cool legacy.

Captain Jack Sparrow was one of 5 puppies born from a rescued Sheltie in 2006. He found a wonderful family who cherished him. In his younger days, Jack loved going for walks around the lakes with his family and playing with the Chuck-It in the yard with his human siblings. His stunning looks always got lots of compliments. In his senior years, Jack enjoyed observing from the back patio. Jack gained his Sheltie angel wings July 16th, 2021

Dallas and his brother came to MNSR in 2006. We were so happy for these two sweet boys that a terrific family wanted to adopt both boys and give them a happy life. Dallas loved going for walks and playing frisbee in the yard, and cuddling with his family. Dallas crossed the Rainbow Bridge July 10th, 2021 and is dearly missed by his loving family and his brother Tulsa.

Jambo came to us in 2008. He loved to learn, earning his CGC, and to run and bark! He and Tula ran on the same flyball team and they were so good at it. He loved his friends that were in his circle. He would joy bark and rub his face against them, making little chuff noises.

