
With broken hearts, we said goodbye to our loving Sheltie Molly (AKA Miss Molly) on December 21, 2023. She was another MNSR rescue (our 3rd), who came into our lives in 2019 and left much too soon. She did not have a lot of tricks and was not that interested in showing off. She was also not so fond of taking walks. She finally tolerated such activity, after the initial very strong reluctance. The 2nd time out on a leash, she stopped, donkey-like, over two dozen times between the driveway and the end of the street – all of a half-mile! She got much better as time went on. She learned to go up and down stairs, a skill she did not have at the outset. She was just most interested in being nearby her ‘people.’ Besides her mom and dad, she loved our neighbor Diane and our son Drew, the two people whose laps she would sit on for longer than a few minutes. She always knew where she was safe.


In the house, she had her favorite ‘spots’ (the Sheldon Cooper reference for Big Bang Theory sitcom fans). Those included under the living room end table, at the end of the bed and on the rug next to the patio door in mom’s downstairs office. She could be sound asleep on the rug, wake up for a quick mid-afternoon pretzel snack, go back for another nap and awake at 5pm, as it must be time for dinner. She might not, however, notice what might be on the other side of the patio door…


Our Miss Molly was a joy and is deeply missed. We take some comfort knowing she is now with Tipper and Jack and our grand-dog Zeke, romping free beyond the Rainbow Bridge.