Unexpectedly and without a fuss, Dixon left us during the night, peacefully resting beside me in bed, taking his last breath around 2:30am. Dix was a cheerful, lively fixture in our lives for more than a dozen years, and we are truly heartbroken. Dixon was a stray who was too much of a challenge to be placed easily, so we took him into our home and our lives and our hearts. He was smart and lovable and we felt we could work with who he was and give him the life he needed. And we did. He got to play fetch and run the property and learn agility, which he loved so much he would do it with anyone who was willing to try to keep up with him.
At least once a day Dixon would go out the door, stand on the deck and howl to the sky for no apparent reason, like a rooster that crowing at sun up. Such a character.
But his favorite thing was being with the people he loved. When I worked at the computer he laid on the chair behind me. And, of course, he slept next to me at night.
Dixon wasn't an easy dog but I'll be forever grateful that he was our dog. Ultimately, he was a good dog. I should have hugged him more. I’ll miss doing that. But he was loved. And I believe he knew it.
Steal the sky.
Catch the wind.
Hold a snowflake in your hand.
They're yours but a heartbeat.
Then they're gone.
Angels take them back again.
RumRiver Rescue Me, AX, AXJ
Dixon ???? - 04/29/23