Jambo came to us in 2008. He loved to learn, earning his CGC, and to run and bark! He and Tula ran on the same flyball team and they were so good at it. He loved his friends that were in his circle. He would joy bark and rub his face against them, making little chuff noises.
His favorite game was to bark at and pounce on my hands, springing back and forth as I moved them on the bed. He also loved to put his beautiful nose into a sock held open and wait for you to pull it off. He'd throw his front legs up to grab the sock, crossing his adorable ‘sticks’ in the process. He would rush out into the yard barking, not really with purpose. It was just what he had to do. He also barked with purpose, but running into the yard he often hadn't identified it yet.
We diagnosed him with kidney disease two years ago, but you wouldn't have known! We moved him to a kidney diet with extra water and he did really well. He was deeply loved by the most accepting, caring woman this last year with my mom working from home and doting on him 100%, and I gained a new appreciation for him as well. We had a few days at the cabin together and were able to give him a peaceful passing at home. We are so sad to see him go and will miss his sheltie antics. I am eternally grateful for him bringing so many wonderful friends into my life.