
Tilly was a wonderful girl for us. She almost reached her 14th birthday. Tilly did have health issues, but was active up to Dec of this past year. She lost most of her hearing and caught on quickly to hand signals. Her coat remained beautiful.  Thank you for the opportunity to care for this lovely pet/companion.


Sadly today we made the difficult decision to let Lulu cross the rainbow bridge. We began as a foster home when she was 4 months old and it quickly turned into a permanent home. My husband was very attached to her so he decided she needed to stay. She was his constant shadow for 15 years. She loved playing frisbee up until she was about 13.

Minnesota Sheltie Rescue Reunion & Spring Fundraiser, Saturday, May 7th 2022!

We are excited to welcome adopters, volunteers, supporters, donors, Sheltie lovers and community members to our FREE event from 11:30-3:00 on Saturday, May 7th, 2022 at Twin Cities Obedience Training Club, 2101 Broad

